

It seems like a movie,A movie without ending...
Seeing a home fulled with love,hopes, care,respect,honor,Stands out to turn to a home where owner are being vigilant to them self...
They no longer have trust in them selfs...
All they care about is their well been,they dont care about others...
Leaders were chosen for a great purpose,but now they dont even remember their oats when they are in position...
Only the rice live...
The poor live,but they cant survive been poor,their chances are slim...
Rights are no longer useful...
Your dignity is now a waste...
people of this home once enjoyed, because they had fathers who could stop them from hurting them self..
Now their fathers are gone,they now kill them self's,they humiliate them selfs...
Life goes hard for the poor...
The rich are not ready to help the poor...
The poor plan to help them self,but all went in vain and their efforts died with them,brains where there but no money to sponsor them self,and the rich are not ready to hear them out...
Everyday the poor crys in pain ...
Their children have no education,and without education they cant have a great job,without a job they cant survive...
The circle has now changed,its no longer a circle of all,its a circle of one self...
All the works, creativity,teaching,morals,of their fathers had died in their mind...
Lets take a brif look at the past,when we ask for what will bring harm,it wont be given,now that their is no one to stop us,we do what we want...
The right to life has been molested,everyone now live they way they want, irrespective of any law and order...
The home is in a great danger...
everyone from other homes now run away from them...
Every other homes belive that they are criminals...
No one want them in their homes...
Few ones that tries to stop the humiliation dies in the process by the rich...
The home filled with hopes,is now hopeless...
And all they do now is to cry for help,even when no one listens to them...
The powerless ones are killed by the strengthened,the poor are killed by the rich...
The rich now use the poor to gain power,the poor has no other choice but to accept being used...
Solutions are being trown away...
Only God now can save this home from getting extinct...
the end...