

white people ain’t superior

White people ain’t superior

White people ain’t superior
They never will be…
And they know it….

Tiny global minority ain’t superior….
Black folks need to know that,
I don’t give a shit about feelings,
We’re goin to learn today…

White people, the smallest population on the planet
Ain’t gods, ain’t kings nor queens….
We need to get that through our heads….
What makes them vulnerable, and envious is when
Black people succeed, do way better than them…

They get pissed off, they will destroy that black people
Have invented for themselves, they even make stupid laws
Not to be better than them….

They control, they won’t give us reparations….
And still, we’re afraid of them…
We’re scared of that global minority who puts
A violent spell on us for for decades…
We developed a Stockholm syndrome that never goes
Away at all….

And oh worse of all, we continue to act like white people,
Continue to want to be like them…and hate ourselves, and hate
Our own race…black people still think white people are superior,
And for us we’re inferior…I’ve seen black people talk down on themselves
For colonizers to look better, make them more supreme…I did that before…
It’s not good…you place your self esteem on the...