

A YOUNG MAN’s struggles

A boy of 25, with dreams in his eyes
Tries to make his way, through life's disguise
He walks alone, through the dark and the cold
His path unclear, his future untold

He's searching for his place, in this world outside
But people don't understand, his way of life's tide
They judge and they scorn, with eyes that don't see
The beauty in his soul, the heart that beats free

He's a wanderer, a rebel, a soul on fire
But to them, he's just a stranger, a passing desire
They don't hear his voice, they don't feel his pain
They don't know his story, the struggles he's gained

He's trying to find his way, through the darkness and night
But the world is cruel, and it don't feel right
He's crying out for help, but nobody hears
He's drowning in his tears, through all his fears

His heart is heavy, his spirit is weak
He's trying to hold on, but it's hard to seek
A light in the darkness, a hand to guide
A understanding ear, to listen and to abide

But still he holds on, to his dreams and his pride
He won't give up the fight, he won't step aside
He'll keep on walking, through the storm and the rain
And hope that someday, his voice will be heard, his pain will be gained.