

Up for what is right
The sound of the stadium's roar,
Resonates with every four,
Down the pitch,
Over the arm,
Cricket has its own charm

"Crickets don't stop your calm loud tunes".
The meadow speaks and whispers,
Slow and steady.
The pirate coronavirus is burning the maps,
the landmarks of geography.
Giving the world a common battle.

The multitude are rising
To embrace a new resort.
A new world.
Let's cleanse the filth.
We dry our clothes don't we?
Can minds be vaccumed?

Rushing along my heart is the silent flow.
The flow of my blood at the excitement,
the release,
the Joy it brings.
I'm expectant.

Can the prisons open?
Can the political seats be left bare as a desert?
As Africa is cleansed?
Can we let the innocent out?
let the Guilty into the bounds?
Oh nature!

We are nature.
Risen out of dead clay to live flesh,
so we will and shall do.
The riot starts with;"Up for what is right".
Let all minds unite and we shall create a new society.

Bricks to build, not brick.
Up for what is right.
Let's make not the cries of Nelson Mandela and Kwame Nkrumah
be in vain.

Enough of joyful shame.
Power can be wrong but
right is never wrong.
let's judge innocents with a hand for all
not bribed hands.

What is right can never go wrong.
Let's bury self affliction.
The seed of love and innovation waits to be in bloom as young.
Right is knocking at the door.
Will you respond?

Remember me,
And "Up for what is right".