

Thank You My Friend.
When life just seems to get you down..
And you feel the weight of the world is on your shoulders.
If you are lucky..
There is someone you can share your burden with. 

A guardian angel, for want of a better description.
Usually, they go by the name of, friend. 
Friends are those who you can say anything to,
no matter how silly it may seem.
No matter how frustrated you get with life, friends are there to give love and understanding.

For those of us who have such a friend, this small piece of prose is a way of saying thank you, and, I love you. 
Yet even these words seem so inadequate.
They can never be said enough to convey how much you mean to our lives....

You know who you are....
Thank you my friend.
Without you the world would be so dark.
The clouds as black as night.
Because you are there to be my friend,
My burden, once heavy, now seems so light.
You ask for nothing, yet give so much,
Even though you have problems too.
My guardian angel with the purest of hearts,
I cherish every moment spent with you.
To say this direct would embarrass us both,
Yet it’s something that needs to be said.
I’ll love you and thank you every day of my life,
For simply, being my friend.

© KarenWood