

Darkness darkness where have you been?
I've been trying to find you
So I could ask you a question
They told me that you take the pain away
But some say you restored them
What should I believe?

Darkness darkness where have you been?
I've been trying to find you
You still have answers that I want
They say, they have found freedom
But some say they feel trapped
What should I believe?

Darkness darkness where have you been?
I've been trying to find you
I need you to tell me
What I should believe
They say they feel peaceful
But some say they feel sorrow
How can I know what you offer?

Darkness darkness where have you been?
I've been trying to find you
They have been telling me things
I don't know if I should believe them
They say you numb the pain
But some say you consumed them
How can I trust you?

© M. Danh