

Nothing remains the same forever
Nothing remains the same forever.
I have read stories where the brave escaped from the battlefield.
I remember how the arrogant pleaded for their lives to escape from calamity.
I watched as heroes transcend into villains.
I observed as the defenseless suffer in the hands of their torturers.
I looked on as the wicked paid dearly for their sins.
I was stunned to see the wicked cunningly take possession of what belongs to other people.
I felt sad as I saw the hungry struggle for just a morsel of food.
I was overly intrigued as I observed the mighty humiliated before his people.
Nothing remains the same forever.
I observed as the counsel of the wise produce fruitless results.
I observed as the child-like matures into a fully grown adult.
I noticed as the wild become sober.
I have seen the proud swallow his pride.
I have seen the famous forgotten within the twinkle of an eye.
I have seen the poor grow in wealth and power.
I have seen the wicked suffer for the crimes they committed.
I have seen the rich become poor overnight.
I have seen the beautiful grow into an old frail person.
Nothing remains the same forever.
I have encountered the sensible portray the characteristics of a fool.
I have witnessed the old pave way for the new.
I have seen the powerful struggle to control his subordinates.
I have seen the weak grow in strength and power.
I noticed as the wild thing was tamed.
I looked on as the strong kneel at the feet of the coward.
Again I looked on as the wicked paid dearly for their sins.
I was shocked when I heard the mighty and the outcast had fallen on the same day.
Nothing remains the same forever.