

Embarking Dreams
With hearts aflame and spirits bright,
You set forth on your maiden voyage tonight,
To join the ship that will be your home,
And start the journey that will make you roam.

The world ahead, a vast unknown sea,
Your dreams and fears, a mix of ecstasy,
The thrill of adventure, the test of will,
As you embark, your heart stands still.

With every step, a new path unfolds,
Your footsteps echoing, stories untold,
The ship awaits, a mighty steel beast,
Your future home, where you'll find your feast.

The ocean's call, a siren's song,
Lures you to the waves, where you belong,
Your heart beats fast, your soul feels alive,
As you step aboard, your journey thrives.

So hold your head high, let your spirit soar,
Embrace the unknown, and ask for more,
For the sea has secrets, and tales to share,
And you, dear cadet, are about to dare.

Farewell to shores, farewell to land,
Hello to the horizon, and the ocean's hand,
Guiding you forward, through waves and tides,
To the adventures waiting, where you'll reside.