

Falling Awake
On the edge of a dream I stand between the dawn and the night.
I'm not sure if I am to go forward into the bright morning or backward into the warm still shadows.
My eyes are barely open and the beams of morning on the air are more like golden ribbon.
They wrap themselves around everything like a vine around an ancient tree.
Behind me the stars are tiny dots in the sky and seem to pulse with the beat of my heart.
In the shadow of night there is a symphony of quiet.
My breath is lost in the vastness of the world around me.
My heartbeat fades until there is only the quiet, the all inclusive quiet.
There is no golden ribbon to wrap around my lost ambition or quiet surrender.
I close my eyes and slide further into the shadow of the night.
The dream has become a haze of memory and imagery.
Like a splash of oil paint in a pool of crystal clear water.
Each bead losing cohesion in it's struggle to hold together.
My eyes are tired and the ribbons are growing closer.
The stars above have faded and I can hear faint sounds of life past the edge of my dream.
The dawn's rhythm interrupts the block of silence.
Its bright ambiance is too bright for my eyes and I am forced to close them again.
Behind me thy symphony has faded to an almost inaudible level.
My desperation for the enveloping stillness brings me to a panic.
I want to retreat into the night, but my body will not move.
My heart beats harder and faster but still I cannot move.
The golden ribbon is at my feet and my hands shake at the inevitable.
I close my eyes in an effort to bring back the dream, one last time.
I find there is no imagery left behind my eyelids.
As I open my eyes I find a single tear slides down my cheek and falls to the ground.
Here it is lost among the dew; the tears of thousands of dreams lost to the golden ribbon.
Behind me, the only shadows that remain are those of my own existence.
I relax my tense body and allow the ribbon to cover me.
I lift my eyes to the brightly colored morning sky.
My dream is dying beneath the weight of the bright ribbon.
In my final surrender it fades and the pool of broken dreams becomes crystal clear once more.
I rise to my feet and inhale slowly as the warm air fills my lungs.
In regret I look behind me and see that all the shadows have gone.
The only one that remains is my own.
It stands tall behind me, a reminder of a thousand dreams lost.
A reminder that part of this dream will always be with me, but will never be attainable.
As I look up at the sun I become aware of the irony.
It has risen just as I have fallen.
Fallen off the edge of a dream.
© Nikkia4Fun