

Friendly Fire
I have bullets in my head
They shuffle around and cause thoughts of death
They cloud everything in front of me
For they are all that I can see
Blood or bullets, I cannot tell
The taste of metal won't leave my mouth
If I could feel, or even think
These bullets might be the end of me
Instead they linger to breathe and breed
To ravage my body like an infectious disease
They hold me hostage and sing me to sleep
My bullets are always there for me
They cause me pain and bring me peace
Without them I would be alone and empty
The world, It seems so dark and dreary
But the bullets in my head are always screaming
All they want is to be released
But if I let them go I will have nothing
So they patiently wait for me to give in
These bullets, they know they are my only friends
© Sarah Daniels