

what do you do when all you feel is pain
what do you say when you can't be with the one you love
because negativity is in the minds of those around, on his side who hide behind,lies to decive, hiding decite
how do i be truly free to love, to be happy by your side as planned forever for life
how do i say i love you without tears, falling down my face
knowing that we can't truly be how we want ,to be in each other arms
why does love hurt, the way it does without any signs
love is a gift the hearts of two in love bond by the feeling of the heart, but we face lies, decite
breaking us tearing us apart
what do we do should we hide from the fear of not being with each other for life
why do we face life like a crime
in prison for life, but yet we try , we fight for our love, like a song on repeat, where is my happy ending with my prince by my side
why do we hide in pain and tears
why do we fear what others have to say
we will stand we will fight for our love one last time before it fades,
before it breaks, before this love fade ,because we side on both side with a wall to the sky
when will we be free fromthe evil hearts of others, why do we fade in back while we let others live our life, it's time for us to rise, it's time for us to shine, no more tears, we must stand because now i am stronger, now am ready to tell the haters, who is in the midst of our lives to step aside, let us be, my last words fades this is it, let's rise and let those who think that we are silent because we are weak be surprised as we stand tall heads held high we will not cry, it's time. to rise!!!!

note: sometimes we face many challenges in life because people stand in our path blocking our p
way, many people will have problem with your life, when it not theirs to see, because they don't want you to rise, they want it all for themselves, don't let anyone tell you that you can't because it's your life to live.
© Marcia Crossdale