

Thy Father has Risen
I have seen the world, and all of its glamour, to only wake up from ringing bells Two minutes! Your time is up. Falling falling as I had just inhospitably died. Again ringing bells have awoken me, as now it is time to see. His antecedents have affected me the way I now see the world. He goes by many names, Lucifer, Satan, Beelzbub, Abaddon, Apollyon. He will go only by the name I know best, father. Pretty women dance; They tell me " have a drink," " a glass of champagne maybe?" The pretty women ask. Ones corrupted mind does not drink in the presence of thy father. Sunday afternoon exploding rumours stir about. The Antichrist has risen, as a hand has risen to light a cigarette or a cigar. Dancing women drank so little, they drop like flies. Thy father has made his grand entrance holding a bottle of arsenic. Two minutes, I have seen the world and all of its glamours rage, One minute, thy father has come.