

Endless Confrontation
Hey! I can hear you
I can feel you, I can cherish you
I'm just..don't know shut down
Yup, stopped to express you
Like my heart, darkness treasures you more
The reality, mirror of truth
This place full of lies
Whom to trust, my true feelings and fears
I'm taught to be strong,unfazed..
A mere doll with no expressions
This me, I hate myself the most
No one to share, nobody cares
The pond that recognises my trueself
I don't to dare to go there
The coward me, a shadow of my persona
Truth sacres me, dream of loneliness depresses me..
The internal conflict of..
trueself and persona,
heart and mind,
body and soul
A no winner contest zone
I questioned my existence
Dazed in the maze of fakeness
Trapped in the thirst of darkness

#Writco #WritcoPoem
#DarkPoems #Realityconflicts
#bydisha @Disha29