

Dear lian,
Dear Lain,
This is my goodbye ,I am sorry I just left you with 'I don't want to talk anymore '.I Only liked
you at the time because you brimmed with light in my dark world ,You showed me all your emotions,I accepted them with open arms,It was like a mix of colors to my black canvas.
That canvas started brimming with light as well,
At the time it was joyful and cool while it lasted.
Now I know that was just a removable paint,It faded as quick as it was placed.Texts ignored but seen,You disappeared as quick as you came,Silence commences for months on end.
4 months later ,An unknown number texted saying 'I love you 'and messages came flooding on end and still no explanation on why you ignored me,It was obvious it was you.I hope you get my point of view and the reason why I then chose to stop playing around ,I didn't feel an ache when you left,I just felt your love was off my shoulders that I didn't have to keep up with ,And that love you said you formed after one week .Back then I realized it's time to grow and not look for a warm embrace to hold.
Your now Stranger ,
Miss Dae
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