

Upon Arriving
Upon Arriving

After you
I'm going
to grab you
and kiss your
tasty lips
sooo hard
while I'm reaching
down to grab
your pretty dick
and push it
inside my mouth
and suck it.
While I'm licking it
all around the shaft
and on the top
of the head
swirling my
talented tongue
to cause
your hard
that holds
my mouth
in place ...

While your
big tasty cock
is enjoying
my hot wet lips,
I'm playing
with your balls, gently
but teasing them
to the point
that your manhood
is hard AF.
While its
violently throbbing
I start playing
with my sweet pussy
while you observe
with big eyes ...

... enjoying the show ...

You watching me
makes me crazed
and I gush like CrAzY ...
You can stand it
no longer
and you stick
your finger
in my steamy
hot tiny hole
and you squirt
vanilla creme
all on my inner thigh
and then
while you're still
in the process
of ejaculating,
and it's dripping
sexily down my
inner hot spot,
you grab your
and stick it
in my
climaxing pussy
that is gripping your
big dick
like a VICE GRIP
and we both peak
harder than
we ever have before!

Those pulsating
last quite
a long time
we chill and
we are wrapped
in each
other's arms
and we
close our eyes
to dream
of our
far away
place of
smiling sexiness!
© rawthoughtsfromchelle