

In Between
I guess you were just
the bus ride but not home,
the life jacket but not the rescue boat,
the bridge but not the other side,
the road signs but not the destination,
the map but not the treasure,
the rainbow but not the pot of gold,
the aisle but not the altar.

You were just two gentle hands
and your eyes were flashlights
that guided me out of a dark tunnel.
Your arms were temporary shelters
and your kisses were first aids
that saved me from a storm,
only to find out you won't be there
when the sun finally comes out.

You were just everything
that's in-between
and I spent too much time
thinking you were the end.

You were just a stop-over
but I'm confused if you were
the lotus flowers or Poseidon;
the beautiful dream or the wake up call,

or maybe I am just a sucker for casinos.
–Myka M. Obinque

Photo: @_kjosh (IG)