

Just for you

lalalala paper
There's not much I can say for this change of hands in this dance we call life.
love is funny this way, you meet , you feel and connect, and as long as you stay without letting in any other opinions but your alone, you'll be there to hold there hand when they are 80 years old saying how much I enjoyed you, how much I wish we could have had time to be in this flesh and life to dance again.
the best part , the way we became soinded and bonded that we could almost talk for each other .
you are there most beautiful man I have had the privilege to understand wholey to the point better than you. I trusted you, I wanted to show you a life full of beautiful things and have many experiences with you that this life is created to be for
because to me life isn't about that fancy scene or the how's we looking around the crowd while we make routine porno sex like the camera is Rollin all the time without any intense emotion involved.
You broke my heart, and I thank you for that because I'm not the guy who will sit and say I'm too good for anyone, or am not willing on loving anyone.
a person will come and give me hope just like you got, no matter what the truth was. because the truth is the only thing in this life is feeling whole involves the verb love.
I'm sure everyone beautiful in the world is available to put on that hat, but true compatibility .... once.
I love you , wish I could make you fluffy again. I'll be there for you if you need me.

.real shit
your the man for me. we are solid and I felt like this for a long time through all of our x-ray ways and people who tried to train wreck it.
remember the line up the back .... yup

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