

Someday Soon
Someday, I will understand the reason for all this hate.
Someday, I will understand the reason for this hate festered fate.
Someday, I will understand why white lives matter more than black.
Someday, I will understand why a migrant labourer doesn't deserve the same slack.
Someday, I will make sense of all the gender discrimination.
Or how the toxic masculinity leads to social asphyxiation.
Someday, I will understand the reason for absurd homophobia.
When one can't express freely their choices,and live in neverending claustrophobia.
Someday, I will understand the reasons for our affinity to religious xenophobia.
When it is all, but a ruse for those in power, to infect us with myopia.
Someday, I will understand how we still think of people in castes.
How a some are to be respected, while others are harassed?
Someday I will understand, our limitless greed for wealth.
And to still sleep peacefully, while people die walking home till their last breath.
But that someday can't wait anymore.
Many George Flyods have left our conscience sore.
We have talked, written and sang enough about love.
Now, it's time to discuss our blinding hate.
This has gone on for far too long.
And now it's criminal to except this sorry state.
Let us look in the mirror and question these cancers.
Let us indulge in some introspection and find the right answers.

#Blacklivesmatter #silenceisviolence #righttolife #migrantlivesmatter #speakout @nate.hc