

Epic of Ram: A Tale of Valor and Virtue
In ancient tales of valor and grace,
A hero emerged, Ram, with a noble face.
Born to King Dasharatha, blessed and divine,
Ayodhya's prince, in the sun's radiant shine.

An arrow's prowess, a bow's melody,
He walked the path of duty, with unwavering loyalty.
Sita, his consort, a symbol of love,
Their story echoed through the realms above.

Banished to the forest, an exile unjust,
Yet Ram embraced it with dignity and trust.
Lakshman, by his side, a loyal kin,
Together, they faced trials, the battle to win.

In the depths of the forest, a golden deer's guise,
A deception that led to Sita's cries.
Ravana, the demon king with ten heads,
Kidnapped Sita, weaving intricate threads.

Hanuman, the devoted, leapt across the sea,
In search of Sita, flying wild and free.
With a message from Ram, a sign of hope,
The Vanara army, with courage, would cope.

The battle ensued, a war of might,
Good against evil, in the moon's soft light.
Ram's arrows danced, a celestial art,
Victory awaited, as they played their part.

Ravana's defeat, his fortress fell,
Ram, Sita, and Lakshman, the tale to tell.
Ayodhya welcomed its rightful heir,
A kingdom reborn, an end to despair.

Ram Rajya, a reign of justice and peace,
Where righteousness thrived, and conflicts would cease.
A legacy woven in the fabric of time,
Ram, an eternal symbol, sublime.

In epics sung and scriptures read,
Ram's saga echoes, from the heart to the head.
A hero, a king, a divine force,
Ram, the embodiment of a timeless course.