

~•Widespread to the Heavens•~
For Those I Loathe to Call my friends whose loyalty & love failed me in thee End...This is the Testimony of my Wretched leap of faith,... Whereupon Prior Jumps made Maidens weep as I came Forth Wholly less Man than Wraith.

The Men who first taught me sexual construct fuct,...of them I would say...

...they are certainly NOT men of Spartan Grace, but rather Skrælings saving face. Spend they're days Vying for Familial Room while Children Weep & Women Swoon. All seems Lost,...Collective Gloom Rooted in Doom at the coming Holocaust! Serpents Circumscribement of this Planet with No Thursisas Weilding Veritas to set Kill Terms for the Great Worm.

Obama's made his final stand. Who now carries the ball? Let us Pray its England?! Trump in power, dire is the hour!

I have oathed myself,...in my heart & soul,...beyond being loathed in order to better my station. Not for the Masses or for Social Grace's, but rather for my two young lasses & what's left of my Familial traces.

From wet moment Mothers Mound interlocked with Father's 'foot' of Meaty Ground was I casted forth Legit, yet by Zweimal Years Past was I Bastard having already found myself a Zarepath,...Exiled under God lest He spare the rod forever designating me latent psychopath.

It's through these eye's could I have peered at the World but choose to Observe it from a repressed, potentially near 'perv' point of view having to relearn my approach to everything rather than the swerve of a Mennonite sealing ceremony in terms of a Penial Cage designed to illicit my Rage & Restrain if not belittle, immasculate & shame but served only to entice, make Hungry My Lust & Eros dying to get at it Swollen & Round, vascularly robust & at 12 already 6 inches of ground.

Taught to take it in,...my desires to recind its why I became for awhile known as Drinlongsynne, & all through Teenage miles of Angst was I thirsting,...in fact nearly bursting to taste Real Pussy that my Tongue & Lips yearned to Between Slip!

So it is this Day, day of yester & all the lusty daze thereafter that I exceeded, overindulged, lusted, fantasized & generally "infanticized" myself into the hereafter of all my "sexotic" toxic future trysts having never yet taken nary a wife nor even augmented a single female life❣🍑🍆

Later,...in my Twenties after hanging out in Turrid & Lurid Uneasy Speak Sleazys I found the Chem Sexxx alternative to 'straight' or "Drunken" sex. My World of Intensely Erotic Tantric Magic Exotic Exploded as did my now nearly 9inch Penis! Over & Over Again gifted & watched over by the Mother Venus utilizing toys & kink fashion of all manner never once thinking I'd eventually lose my face, my pride becoming mocked disgrace having to hide my sexuality in Mennonited & Blighted North living All/or Nothing Excess in terms of my Penis, training it with Weights, Pumps, sometimes causing lumps & swelling, learning to kiss & tenderly lick pussy, kink, threesomes, without the dangers of free-sex gleesomes. Until a Godsend Crisis of Conscience put me on the mend setting me on a much more palatable sexual trend.

So it is my Morning Sun, regardless of those I hotly Shun,...shines on me this day allowing me to in it Bask & Play. No Longer on my Fuct up sexual disfunction will I allow myself to Lucifer attach, securing Strike of Match Catalyst, igniting Sulfer Infused One way Junction to Hells Eternal Mindfuck Scorched Soul's Realm Admonist.

By Way of hard Lessons learned & lard-lite Waisted Women With Shaved Pubic Mounds Spurned, after Endlessly questing for much Sought after Sexually Situational Holy Grails Tantric promisin9 Pornographic delusional Magic, that my "Internal Karma" might disarm my overwhelmingly "Impulsive Pharma"!¡!¡

In Closing I stand to be a better Human Being Unfettered by thee Imagery of Man, Coming Correct, Walking Adroit and taking a Stand. A Woman's Vagina used to be my only driving reason thus, now no longer to myself treasonous.

Arms Widespread to the Heavens am I now a Healthy Sexually Intense Male Adult free & Unblinded of Long Binding Luciferous Imprisoned Occult.

Written Entirely by;Drin Jacöb Hildebränd this 7th day aüf July, 2022