

The One In Between
There is a demon living in your interior.
It's burrowed its way deep to the inside.
It whispers to you to be inferior.
Conducting rituals for you to confide.

The sacrifices make you stronger.
The pain you feel no longer.
He promises your life will be longer.
A pledge coming from a warmonger.

The attacks become bolder and bolder.
The warfield becomes too much to shoulder.
The words turn colder and colder.
Left in your head waiting to smolder.
You keep getting older and older.
The chained tales built up into folders upon folders.

Enacting your possessors commands.
Those times, it felt as if you were truly alive.
Casually asking for the most outrageous demands.
Into the excitement, you took a full-on dive.

The adrenaline is a beast.
Once isn't enough, we have to enjoy the feast.
The chaos has spread.
The demon is the one who you willingly fed.

When the demon relinquishes control.
You can't help but to worry about how far you've let go.
Your heart is out on patrol.
For the feelings that you used to know.

Your inner image left smeared
Relied on past perceptions to get here.
The silence eats you alive.
It's when the intrusive thoughts arrive.

There is an angel etched into your exterior.
Her advice couldn't be merrier.
She summons forth a barrier.
Locking the demon inside the interior.

A soothing voice narrates the story.
Touching upon all the past glory.
A reminiscence to diverge the worries.
Smothering in a palliative flurry.

Chained beneath the surface.
Fighting for his purpose.
Into the dungeon and beyond the gate.
It's where the voices originate.

You feed it daily with lies.
Yet, it doesn't want to compromise.
Rattled cages in your mind.
Every thought tears a rift through time.

She takes upon the divide.
Diluting the overwhelming tide.
A war waged between both sides.
Each had their own sense of pride.

A corrupt battle between heaven and hell.
Leaving an impact on your humanity.
The ominous ringing of constant bells.
A perpetual assault disrupts your sanity.

An angel and a demon on opposing sides.
Which one persuades you along for a ride?

© HitchhikingMind