

I will always miss you
I will always miss you.
You're in the pages of my book,
running as I chase,
page by page,
word by word,
trying to catch another glimpse of your smile.

I will always miss you.
Even when I remember
all the ways you hurt me,
I'll shake those memories
until they are replaced
with the time I curled up in your arms and slept.

I will always miss you.
I see you in my professors
who lecture until half the class is bored,
but I lean forward,
listening intently,
waiting for the glimpses of you in his passion.

I think I will always miss you.
Until the book reaches its last word.
Until my memories fade from me.
Until the lessons end and I walk the stage for my diploma.

Maybe then I'll see you in different places,
different books
different memories.