

It's vanity
Standing before the Lord with a sinful conscience
Pretending to be holy yet living a sinful life
Giving with pride
Seeking praise
It's vanity

Doing what is good but not what is right.
Showing others the way of light without being the light.
Cheering the game without involving in the fight.
Booking a plane and end up missing the flight.
Being a Christian in the day and a harlot in the night.
It's vanity.

Being a Christian and end up missing the rapture,
It's like setting a camera and end up missing the capture,
It's to be blinded at the same time of the departure,
Because you joined the due to love for adventure.
It's vanity.

To be born gifted and yet die poor
To be talented at the same time unemployed.
Boosting in the flesh that perishes
Having a marriage and side dishes
Having sleepless nights in riches Putting your trust in wealth that perishes
It's vanity.

Being wealthy and not healthy
Being a hearer and not a doer
Attending church and the armour
Spending time talking rumors
Sacrificing with a proud heart seeking glory
In which the heart of God does not even merry.
It's vanity.

Living in absurdity of life
Without all ability in us we don't see the reality..
Of the dreams and the visions in the spiritual realm..
We foresee and we don't see the 'now'
It's just that our faith is low and even row...
It's vanity.

Hearing the gospel preached and we believe,
To shut the spell of ignorance so that we may be relieved,
From the fears of the world but grace we fail to receive,
Staying back in unbelief and keeping faith in the archive.
Struggling with life and fail to achieve,
It's vanity.

Living in entity,
Yet lacking acuity,
To solve your own anxiety,
Depending on people lacking authority,
To help you go through your calamity,
Being born normal and lacking capability,
Having life but living in nonentity,
Knowing God and end up in fire that is in eternity.
It's vanity.

It's vanity
Living to take up space
But yourself lacking a clear base
Living in fear like a dog to chase
Running and panting on a high pace
Life's miserable if you don't take a brace,
Preparing yourself to win the race
Of life so that no one takes up your place
Prepared for you in Christ's Grace
When you're gone to embrace
Abraham and to see God's face.

© saakigift