

The things I'm not.
I am not the dust
Settled on the old letters I wrote to you.
I am the ash that remained.
After setting your heart ablaze.

I am not the coffee mug
That you've had for years now
I'm the fresh coffee you make every morning
Holding your head steady
Making you crave me at those odd 3 ams.

I'm not your favourite tshirt
I'm the mirror you stare into
When you wear it, everytime
Smiling to yourself
Smiling at me.

I'm not your favorite song
I'm that song you don't like much
But you sing it, anyway
For the lyrics,they hit you in a different way.

I'm not the paintings you make
They're way too perfect to be me
I'm that ol' dull brush
Used too many times
Dipped in colors
To sway like your mind on the canvas
Painting perfect sunsets and smiles.

I'm not the book you read
I'm the story they wrote
Every word is about me
Meant to be read for you.

I'm not the roses you love
I'm the flower pot, holding them close
Watching them fluoresce
To wither away to nothing.

I'm not those tears that soak your pillow
I'm the pillow that takes it all in
Wet and soggy all night
Cold and drought by day.

I am not the girl you stare at in the bar
I'm the cold whiskey that you gulp in
Kissing your lips with a bittersweet aftertaste
Numbing your pain but not washing it away.

I'm not the cities you visit
Or the hotels you stay in
I'm the history behind those pillars
I'm those walls, swallowing your secrets.

I'm not the sun in your sky
Or the light of your life
But I'm that moon caressing her stars dearly
Making your dark days a bit less lonely.

I'm not the sultry breeze that kisses your cheek
In the scarlet summer
I'm the relentless windstorm
Shaking your windows
Keeping you awake.

I'm not the spring
Blooming in your backyard
I'm the autumn leaf that you pick up
Once green, now fading
Between those pages, like a bookmark.

I am not as thrilling as your first kiss
All consuming and giving you those chills
I'm that last kiss you remember
The saddest good bye you ever said.

I'm not the best day of your life
But I'm those nights when you sleep like a child
Carefree and unaware
About the world and its obscurities.

I'm not a sweet memory that you savour
I can never be one
I'm like a scar on your mind
A remembrance, to be never forgotten.

I'm not the love you asked for
And I'm sorry for that
I've been there for you, you just didn't notice
In ways, no-one ever has.

©halfburntcigs 🌸