

Problems never end

Even the huge elephant to the tiny ants has problems,
Not only me or you,
Everyone has a problem....
Problems are never gonna end but can be solved.

Maybe that's why we call our life as a life.
Maybe, or may not
Problems are the part of our life.....
Life without problem is exactly like heaven, but we can't experience it until we are dead.....

That's kind of fact,
but the truth is that,
If we want to live without any problems,
we want to have a
strong, brave mind,
and a kind, good heart....
That's enough...........

But you don't needa be worry,
Problems are not end of your life,
They may not end,
but it doesn't mean,
you needa worry....
Just take it cool,
and move on.....

As I told you,
Problem are part of our life.
They are annoying,
But still,
they are challenging.

So, In the final sentence,
I have only few words
to share....

''Problems never end,
They are infinite.......
But a person like you,
should have the courage,
to face it''
~Words from @itz_me_choco2378 ~

This is just an another inspiration poem,
written by @itz_me_choco2378
I hope, you have learnt or understood something from this poem......

Thank you........ For all the writco members
who have read this poem.......

Thanks alot

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