

it hard being homeless, I am homeless all I have now is me and nothing.
I didn't start this way I had a house a truck, and my daughter most importantly. but before covid came my daughter went to her moms.. thats OK... kids need to be with there parents.. but when covid came, the company I worked for closed there doors with out a notice we just came to work and they said good by.. wow... so I tried to find work but nothing doing in thease small towns idaho.. all 5 of the towns I live in might a have 10,000 people pin them all together.. not much to work with. so I when lost my house I started to struggle. living with friends..then my mother died of covid, somthing more crazy my dad died 7 days later broken heart. and if that's not bad my aunt and 2 cousins were killed by a drunk driver,instantly at an intersection. well now it's really looking not good. But wait after all that in 30 days. I go to my moms internment in Wisconsin, my truck blows a water pump.i didn't make it to my mom. I didn't even know she was dieng my phone broke for 9 days until I could get a new one. so never got to say good bye then or now.. but wait it's not done I had a nice little truck to get back and forth in I managed to find a job construction 50 miles away. well wouldn't yah know it, my truck burns to the ground, at the gas pump, on my 2nd day of work. I couldn't belive it.. i lost the job.. and so yep all my stuff in that truck gone.. everything is gone.. I live in the woods now 8 miles to town but what's the point I got no money and the 1 food bank we got is only open 3to5 on Thursday. and no walk in you have wait in your vehicle for them to come out .. but I don't got a car.. so I get 0.... homelessness is a killer of the heart, mind, body, and soul, yes I am homeless freezing in the mountains of north ldaho.. it cold. my heart is amazingly all that keeps me warm but it can't hang very long like this. idk what to do.. but pray, I get so cold I fall asleep, and God takes me home to my mom.. so much has happened lately I haven't had the proper time to even give for my mom .. so lost

© danielboonis1