

A Toast
Cheers to New Year’s resolutions,
fresh beginnings, January.
Opportunities before us
where the winds of change may carry.

Summer air is disinfected,
made as cold as winter berry.
Puffs of dragon breath are easy,
nose as rosy as a cherry.

Jack Frost visits every morning.
Snow lands soft as any fairy.
Freezing rain descends in layers
making roads a little scary.

Animals don’t mind the winter,
they grow coats so thick and hairy.
Farmers mind it though a little,
‘specially those who have a dairy.

It’s a challenge to stay healthy
when the weather tends to vary.
One week warm as spring in April
next week icy winds contrary.

It’s a month to find new hobbies,
learn new skills, be solidary.
Go out sledding. Go out skating.
Friends and family keep life merry.

Or if you’re a happy loner,
introverted, people wary;
it’s a month for tea and blankets,
reading books in solitary.

Buy a puppy, or a rabbit,
turtle, fish, or bright canary;
it’s a month for new beginnings.
Celebrate your January!

© Loretta Shively
#winter #newyear #january