

At A Crossroads
I have this ongoing itch that I long to scratch
It is a desire that I continue to carry on my back
A siren call every day that urges me to push forward
But self sabotaging habits hunt me down and build their own borders
Yet I sneak out the perimeter and leap over that fence
To only arrive at a crossroads in my life that leaves me in suspense

On the left, I see a life full of complacency
As I sit there paralyzed like a poor network’s latency
This easier path urges me that I have it all set
Stability, a lack of stress, and comfort without a fret

However, taking that road is putting up a facade while knowing I’m not content
But to my right I see the paradise I desire, something I perceive as heaven sent
Yet the right road poses several risks and has a lot of pitfalls
To throw myself out of comfort makes me feel like I might lose it all

One voice urges me to take this path as I consider my own safety nets and lifelines
But this nagging sense of guilt continues to weigh me down on this pipeline
“Just because you have the means, doesn’t mean you should”
The other inner voice shames me just because others don’t have it good.

My privileged position allows me to stumble and immediately get back up
But for others, the hole can be deeper and can leave them stuck
Yet in this labyrinth of my mind I need to be kind to myself
To give gratitude for the resources that are hanging from my belt

So I snap out of my mental trance and determine that my mind has been set
I will embark on the treacherous path and choose to live with no regret
I look forward to singing my own praises while taking pride in my ongoing evolution
For the path I’m preparing to embark on does not have a linear solution

© Michael Kevin Olegario