

People say she is so strong,
But she only knows what is actually going on
She is a mystery unknown to humankind
except for selfish reasons, people don't even want to find

Holding herself back
Getting back on track
Drowning in the river of her muffled cries
Breathing through her silent sighs

She never asked but she has received
some shattered dreams and million deceits
She has an image of a girl who has never cried
As per them,she only knows how to prove herself right

But there are times,
when she is done with her secret cries
when she wants her cracking voice
and depth to vanish the facile noise
To break through the mirror of 'perfect' her
where she doesn't have to hide the losses she incurred

She wants to breathe the fresh air
she wants to see that sky so clear
wants to run on the grass bare feet
wants to come up straight with no bushes to beat.

© poetic_parade

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