

The song of life
Life sings a song which is sometimes sweet sometimes bitter sometimes happy sometimes sad ,this is the song that life sings
The song of life has many up and downs sometimes it has high chords and sometimes low chords
The life sings a song where we meet some new people who make our world upside down, sometimes it introduces to someone which makes our heart race thump thump and sometimes it introduces to some people who show us the darkest secrets of life
The song of life may be hard to sing but it has taught me a lot of things in every steps of my life ,the obstacles and hurdles increases with every new step the song of life is hard to sing but if we give up we might not be able to make the upcoming sweet memories
From being a careless dependent toodler crawling to my mom to a mature independent ones
I think i am going to learn a lot of things cause the song of life never stops teaching
After I finish the mission that God has sent me for, at that time I will stop singing my life's song
I might rebirth again in this planet called earth as a human or who knows as some other creature or after I die I might be able to be free from this cycle of birth death and rebirth
Well,now let me just sing along with the life's song.😊

~~maple tree~~