

Broken Record
Broken Record

by R Becker

Maybe it's time for some
true confessions

It's almost a crime
some of my obsessions

repeating myself
is my biggest flaw

and don't tell me there's no Santa Claus

Really I am
the worst offender
saying the same things over and over

here I go, sounding like a broken record again

It's a burden to me
these obsessions you see
did they get what I said?

is my face getting red?
why can't I stop my head
from thinking
over & over

why should I care if the press ignores me?
or all of the good that New Coke's done for me?

should I go for price or quality?

does plaid really add years to me?

I worry too much about
what's thought about me
some of my friends would rather do without me

they can take Santa Claus
but not the broken record again

some say I have too many excuses
my perfectionism has many uses

playing guitar
and writing rhymes
and driving people crazy
all the time

so join in fun
with your favorite disorder

dot your ts.
cross your Is
in alphabetical order

make sure you
sound like

a broken record

make sure you sound

like a broken record

make sure you

sound like a

broken record

© R Becker