

You were sent to destroy and not kill. You were allowed only to touch and it never gave me a thrill. Your mission was a lonely one. Kill the soul of your true loved one... Destroy my soul and make me nothing. I played the game with you and before it begun I had already won. You cant rip apart a broken one. One soul next to the other does not make one. Bodies becoming one when done by the evil one means nothing. You have to live with me, eternally, for me to show you something. I will never break. I have never made a mistake that I can't replace. I regret you but you can't say the same. Now go away. Forget my taste. Your not worth the pain. You were sent to defile. I am stronger now. I don't wish you the best. I know your soul will never rest. In your own hell you will thirst. I was the one. Now lay down to sleep. Your gone, forgotten, and completely nothing. Your fate has come undone. You were never the one.
© Jamie Clay