

Only you!
Fell apart, but got back together
Took the tough road of falling forever
Pain, pain pain and pain
That's what kept us together on this lane

You are not perfect, and so am I
Is that why we see eye to eye?!
Gave you everything, my heart, body, and soul
And all I asked was to come out to my call

I wanna free you from the pain and so do you
Is it possible that it is what keeps me with you?!
I wanna help you, but I am broken myself
Does that even fucking make sense?!

I am too much too handle, and I come with heavy package
However, I am silently asking you to accept me the way I am through age
Will you be there or I will end up broken?!
Will you be there or I will end up chokin'?!

Don't leave me alone even when I beg you too
Cause leaving me alone hurts more than any pain I have been through
Was this your plan?! Was this part of the contract?!
The contract that has never even been signed, should it be called one?!

My head is spinning with questions and they are all about you
Are you real?! Please tell me that you are true!
Those are the thoughts we share
Yet none of us show or even show that they care

We had a rough start, and it only got harder
You falling in problems, mine catching up, tougher
Yet you never let me go, you held me tight
You held me when I needed that all night

Got over our demons and past, together,
Had a fresh start and promised to be there forever
I will always be there for you
I will stick to you like a glue

All if I have to, I don't care about your comfiness as long as it is your safety
I don't care about your huge ego of it is about your safety
That's how we started, none of us could stand the other hurting
That's was where the pulling started and gravity working

You were my first and you are my last
Every moment with you is like a blast
You gave me a life I never knew I could have
But now letting go is impossible

You are mine, now forever and always
I am yours and you can't help but show it
I love you, please stay
When you leave I know I will go insane that I even won't be able to say hey

Unless to you when we meet again
I will be waiting for you again again and again
You showed me stuff no one did
You took me to a world I thought that from it I well hid