

The new year was opened and welcomed with open arms.
A lot of expectation and hope were placed in the year.
But they all came crashing down like a wave of the sea.
The expectations were driven and tossed by the wind.
The year opened, death followed.
Lives were lost, mourning filled the air.
For some, it was joy in abundance.
And for others, it was a remembrance of the dead.
For some, it was reminisces of the past years.
And for others, it was making resolutions that may not be fulfilled.
Death rates increased. Lives were lost.
Happiness shattered. Journey came to an end.
It was unexpected. It was sudden.

In some households, Grace was bestowed.
New job opportunities. More years added to life.
Celebration with family. More wins in career.
Achievement of goals. Promotion to a higher level.
Completion of a chapter.The beginning of another.
More awards on display. More medals on high.
Favour in the sight of God and man.
It was all Grace.

The year was filled with lots of trials and obstacles.
Some were given the Grace to continue striving.
Some fell apart during the struggles.
Still, it was all Grace.

In this year, people came and went.
Some barged in. Some came in gently.
Some came to test. Others came to use.
Some came to love. Others came to teach.
The most important ones came in to bring out the best.
They were here. They are here. And they promise to always be.
They are the rare and amazing people.
They are the ones who give the reminder of why it is worth it.

The year came and it's on its way out.
It was fast but filled with lessons.
It was fast but it made an impact.
This year and the deeds and successes done in it will not be forgotten.
This year and the achievements and failures made in it will forever be green in memory.

A lot happened, but a lot cannot be said.
A lot happened, and a lot will be remembered.

2023, goodbye.

© Haiza.