

For thou are all humans in the sight of the lord
Who hath created us into different nations,
With no superiority over one another.

Thou has turn deaf ears to the words of the Lord,
For thou hath seen yourself superior over another Just because of differences in colour,
When you all are humans in the sight of the Lord
You are no better than a beast,
For thou has develop hate for a fellow human.

You may be white and he may be black,
But that doesn't make him less of a human,
'Cos the blood that runs through your vein runs through his,
And thou breathe the same air,
Just the colour difference.
So why the hate and bitterness?

For thou is all entitled to the same 6ft sized sepulchre in the end of time,
A confinement with no window,
Being feasted upon by the earthly creatures,
Irrespective of the colour, race, ethnicity or religious beliefs.
So why the arrogance?
When we can all coexist in love and harmony,
Regardless of skin colour,
When you can breathe and let others breathe.

So let stop the hate, bitterness and live as one in love,
For we are all humans irrespective of the differences,
And that's all that matters.

© Asiat Adeleke