

Chivalry is Dead
Chivalry was found face down in a pool of blood...in this place she calls home.
She was mutilated by the uncaring, sarcastic, sadistic, selfish nature of man.

It was what you you'd call an 'untimely death'.
Murdered meticulously
with the cunningly sly device,
employed by the hands of...

Death was slow for Chivalry,
Tiny bit by tiny bit life ebbed from her unmoving limbs...
behind a still yet beautiful frame...
Now a mere carcass,
a reminder of eras past.

She was a beautiful soul
Lovingly remembered by persons of old,
Smiles of fond memories of their youth,
Eyes filled with longing,
Heart full of hope...
Can we even tell them the truth?
Chivalry is Dead.

Her death was not instantaneous to say the least.
To make it much harder for her soul to Rest in Peace.
First it was her counterparts, Courtesy, Generosity and Valor...
...then they took; Dexterity... Nobility...note her pallor.

Clutching her chest,
Right palm outstretched.
Heaving a sigh of her last breath.
Falls to the ground,
Blood trickles down.
Needless to say...
Chivalry is...
