

the wind's whisper
the bench
on the path
in the forest
by the grass
is the place
that I've sat
in moments
I thought
might be my last
but the trees
with their rings
that mark the past
remind me
that life
goes by so fast
don't wait
for cues
don't wait
to be asked
hold each moment
take each chance

the vines,
and intertwined
showed me
mother nature
is messy
just like my mind
with thorns
so sharp
they cut
like a knife
but the flowers
that bloom there
are one of a kind

when the wind blows
my way
it whispers
I feel it
like it's trying
to say
'you don't believe it
or see it,
but we know
you'll be okay
nothing is constant
just look
at the leaves
the way
that they change
while embracing
their existence
nothing stays the same,
nothing is forever
not even pain,
if you
keep your fire
alive inside
even on
the toughest
of days
then sweetheart
you can make it
through the harshest
of rain.

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