

Slowly it goes by so fast.
On the very first day you open your eyes.
The first time that you breathe the air.
On the first day that you hear yourself cry.
And experience your mother's care.
The world is a great big place.
everything you see, every sound you hear is new.
It seem like time stands still.
there is so much learning we have to do.
And with each milestone we grow.
We learn to talk and walk and who is who.
Time passes us by so very slow.
still we grew and grew and grew.
We learned our manners.
Learned right from wrong.
The difference between a lie and the truth.
We learned to fight and how to get along.
We experienced love, We experienced what makes us sad.
Slowly we learned all the things we needed to know.
To go out in the world on our own.
without our Mom or Dad.
There's so many things we have to learn.
The why's, what's is good and what is Bad.
How to spend money and ways to earn.
Every punishment we've had.
We learned the difference between physical and emotional pain.
We learned how to regulate our emotions with our brain.
We learned logic to keep ourselves sane.
we learned about all the creatures in our world.
The differences between a boy and a girl.
We learned significance in things like diamond rings and pearls.
what we like and dislike.
what makes our stomachs curl.
We learned to ride a bike.
Eventually we experience death.
experience crime.
depending on your familys beliefs,
you learn what is evil and Devine.
So many things we dont even realize.
At some point in our lives everything was new.
Seemed like it took forever.
until one day we finally grew.
No more school.
No more homework to do.
We were finally adults.
We finally got to decide for ourselves.
We grew wings and left the nest.
With each and every new year.
We needed to learn less and less.
Depending on what we learned,
we became a diaster or success.
Surprises became less and less.
We were either cursed or blessed.
And just like a Majestic eagle in the sky,
before we knew it,
Time started to fly.
By now most of us had children to raise.
to teach them right and wrong and praise.
at night some have hit there knees to pray.
God protect my son or daughter.
please dont let her end up like me.
for all we wish for our children is to be better humans than we were.
and before you know it,
you've got grandkids and its all a blur.
By now you're in your middle age.
working your life away.
hoping to save enough to retire.
midlife crisis starts to inspire.
maybe its time to buy some toys.
to take out of town for r and r with the boys.
all the holidays, anniversaries birthdays start to come so fast.
before your eyes there gone in a flash.
its the only real time you get to spend with the kids.
because youre always away working
trying to strike it rich.
then one day your boss sends it down the wire.
they decided to dowsize and you are forced to retire.
you have to take a job at a big chain store.
it'll be a few more years till the social security score.
too much time on your hands these days.
all of your former glory a blaze.
you end up giving in to your desire.
you go out to find something that might inspire.
your relationship like ice and it feels like you're getting played.
cant remember the last time you got laid.
your decision making senses start to fade.
you wish you could take her back and trade.
your spouse got the house and kids.
and half of everything you is.
and you run off with someone new.
but the new smell goes away pretty fast.
you realize that it aint gonna last.
you can't change the past.
and you'll probably never get your best friend back.
cause she didnt cry when you left.
instead she helped you pack.
for the past few months you noticed she was lookin at the pool boy like a snack.
your life is an enormous mess.
you end up buying some kind of illegal sack.
Now youre smoking meth, salt or crack.
they keep ripping you off.
but you gonna get that money back.
you loose touch with everyone you love.
cant get any help from above.
you need a divine intervention,
when you find out you lost your pension.
you don't even know why you try.
then you close your eyes and die.
you worked and decisioned your life away.
you gave your wife away.
all to get a little play. and play a little.
the life crisis always gets thrown in the middle. hit ya with a curve and gave you what you deserved.
justice was served.
the bed you died in wasnt even yours.
the kids now call the pool boy Dad.
and it all went by so fast.
So heed my warning if you think youre headed down this road.
make sure you make time for the kids before they are grown.
Leave the drugs and the side piece alone.
put some effort into making your wife moan.
buy her a brand new kitchen and make sure you take your turn with the dishes.
I'm telling you man,
you can make or break your whole life with a single decision.
be happy with the life youre given.
stop trippin.
step back and quit your bitchin.
throw your clocks and watches out the door.
dont go back to that job anymore.
use your savings to go into business for yourself.
keep your eye on the prize.
good job man.
you made your business quickly expand. paid off your student loans.
became the master of making your wife moan.
you can afford it so you retire early.
take a trip round the world with your favorite girly.
time finally slows down.
you're no longer in a hurry.
if anyrhing happens you wont need to worry.
you lay down to take a little nap.
but despite it all you wont come back.
the moral of this story,
should be quite clear.
time goes by way too fuckin fast.
dont spend it kissing someone else's ass.
dont try to live in the past.
and live each day like it's your last.
for there is no promise of tomorrow.
and you dont know how much time you borrowed.

© James L. Babcock Jr.