

Unrequited love
Can you lose something that was never yours
Can you lose a love that you never had
Are you allowed to grieve before there ever was
Months of an ethereal experience
Was never close enough to be captured
Was never close enough to be held
Never close enough to grasp

How could it have felt so real
Was it all along in your head?
You smiled, you laughed, you cared
You cried, you mourned, you let go

Is it selfish to love one-sided
Selfish to hold on to a reality
Only in your head, the burden of the expected
The karmic weight of an unborn relationship
Once again, it was you who felt it
A one-sided connection, a short encounter in the vastness of time
Forever floating, forever non-existent

But it leaves such deep emptiness
Because while it wasn’t, it was

© Kendjana