

Tantric Overflow
We were all blessed with loving hearts
and sound minds
yet here we are squirming inside
looking on the outside
filling ourselves with half assed
cravings that will never suffice
the misplaced sense of comfort
that only leads you down your
own special path of demise,
now when you fall that far,
who do you call?
who gon listen when your chest
does that super fast rise and fall?
who gon calm that storm of anxiety
because oh yes inside your heart
issa brawl
a brutal fight to be seen,
to feel heard
hollered at that fine bitch down the street,
your games off nigga you just got curved
bitch you been crying all day,
it’s ight mama, you just going through a rebirth
and the cycle gon repeat
till you let all that old shit leave
fighting to keep people together,
you always playing centrepiece
because you know synchronicity
will bring two bodies to ease
but you forget you gotta come whole
the first time, that’s how you find peace.
you stop expecting love to be that missing piece
that’s how you stop falling for
the emotionally unavailable,
expecting them to fill a role
and every time, your heart pays the toll.
We were all blessed with loving hearts and sound minds,
was it wrong of me to want to share with you what was sacredly mine?
was it wrong of you to rehearse your lines,
to say what i wanted to hear, and do what i’d think was right?
When you are of the divine, your soul
will attract people that are truly
one of a kind
while you hold your heart, the devil
will send mirrors to attack your mind
to keep you in your own special cycle
of heartbreak and demise
you gotta ask yourself, is it really
worth your precious time?
when the load is heavy, you cannot
hesitate to kick people off your ride.
you are young and full of life,
don’t let these demons give that beautiful face of yours early worry lines.
© Yazzythealien