

Her eyes are like galaxies, vast and infinite,
A cosmic spectacle, with stars that twinkle and glint,
Each blink, a supernova, a burst of light,
A universe of wonder, hidden within her sight.

Her eyes, a portal to another world,
A window to the depths of her soul.
They express love, kindness, and care,
A language of the heart that is so rare.

Her tears are like cosmic rain,
Falling from her eyes, a celestial refrain.

Each tear, a comet, that streaks through space,
A messenger of sorrow, that leaves a trace,
They carry the weight of her heart,
A cosmic force, that can't be torn apart.

Like a supernova, her happiness explodes,
A cosmic event, that nobody foretold,
It fills the universe, with a radiant glow,
A cosmic energy, that continues to flow.

© davence_hackwell
#WritcoQuote #writco #writer #poem #Love&love #Shayari #beauty #nature