

Don't worry about the long journey
Don't worry about the long journey ahead,
For every twist and turn will surely be led,
By forces above guiding your way,
Making sure you never go astray.

The path may be bumpy and filled with doubt,
But trust that you'll figure it all out,
Each obstacle you face is just a test,
A chance for you to truly be your best.

The road may seem endless, stretching far,
But remember who you truly are,
Strong, resilient, and full of grace,
You'll conquer any challenge you face.

There will be days when you want to give up,
But remember to always look up,
The stars will guide you through the night,
And fill your heart with hope and light.

So keep moving forward, step by step,
Embrace the journey, never fret,
For every trial and lesson learned,
Will shape you into who you yearn.

So don't worry about the long journey,
Just trust in yourself and in destiny,
For every mile traveled and story told,
Will lead you to treasures worth more than gold.

© Jovan_love