

Phase !!🤞
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
All of the sudden this occurred because of the entry of corona virus which is so volient!

Every day is unpredictable in this year,
Mostly the families of warriors are living in fear.
Lockdowns are declared, everything is stopped.
Animals are free,and humans are locked!

People are dying,the condition is dreadful.
Please stay home,so the doctors be thankful.
Cops and Doc's are working for 24×7,
They are living in danger zones and you are living in home which is heaven.

These days are not same for every life,
Few are chilling and many are striving for the food every day and night.
Of course the previous and present conditions can't be exchanged.
But a better future can be built if United we fight.

No doubt everyone is missing their regular days.
But the people outdoors are missing their families face.
Government is trying to protect our Nation by every possible way.
Cooperate with our people and one day will surely overcome this mess.

Though we have falled,but we have not failed.
We lost many things but we have capability to gain it again.
We will rise again as we have always availed.
This fire of melancholy will disappear with a curable and blissful rain.
And nothing will be in vain,
If the legit rules are been maintained!