

Morning Blossoms
Morning blossoms, delicate and fresh,
Awaken at dawn with their vibrant hues,
In dew they sparkle like pearls, a mesh,
A gift of nature that captivates our views.

Each petal unfurls with grace and art,
A silent ballet celebrated by the morn,
Their subtle fragrances fill the air, impart,
Eden's scent that the world adorns.

Rose, lily, jasmine, and daisy in their dance,
Paint gardens with hues of hope,
Morning blossoms offer us a chance,
A silent poem in our hearts, they elope.

Morning blossoms remind us well,
Of fleeting beauty life embraces,
They inspire us to live, to dispel,
Fears as seasons change, time races.

In each morning's bloom, a new day springs,
A quiet lesson in love and harmony,
A sparkling treasure that nature brings,
Morning blossoms, living poetry.

© JomyContreras