

Dear world
Dear world
Thank you
Thank you for gifting me the most special angel from the sky
He has saved my life
And I promise
I will take care of him
Everyone always talks about the right person at the wrong time
Or the wrong person at the right time
But we never talk about the right person at the right time
And I honestly believe that this angel in my right person
He is my love
My savior
I see paradise in his eyes
And that dear world that is special.
The love I feel for him is unconditional
And many people find it weird and annoying
But I find it beautiful
I found peace in his soul
Whenever I am around him
The only emotion I am able to feel us happiness
So Dear world
Thank you for saving me
Thank you for gifting me the one angel I needed
The one angel I dreamed of my whole life
Dear world
Thank you
I promise you that I will look after this special angel.
I promise I will eternally love him
I promise my love for him will never fade
Dear world
I promise to never break his heart.
If hos heart is broken
Then dear world
So is mine.
© Jess