

how could it be, that you chose to love me, half of the time the world is pushing for you to be free, when I look in the mirror I see, a man in love with a woman that's out of his league, but through your big beautiful eyes I yearn to look, beyond the cover to the heart of the book, so I can know exactly how long it took, to get past my flaws, do you get tired of washing my drawers, Dua crowd your space or get in the way at all, do I bother you or annoying you or am I too strict, do I still turn you on when I gently kiss your lips, do I still fit the bill and Mae the man of your dreams, are you disappointed in the fact that you don't have your ring, do I live up to your vows, where have I been a letdown, am I still your protector or am I the dinner now, am I a proper provider do I still put you first, is a love making spiritual like a Sunday evening in church, is God still confirming that this is his creation, no matter the bumps in the road or the complications, are you losing your patience, do you still ask yourself why are you here and did you really mean it when you ask, do I still make you laugh, am I still your Batman without the cape in The mask, do you still dream about me when you close your eyes, is my beard to Scruffy to be between your thighs, am I still fun now that I don't get high, do I hold you to close when we sleep at night, does it bother you that I get upset waking up with you not by my side, I mean like in the bed next to me where I can touch you in my sleep, like last week, I woke up and you weren't there, I found you asleep in the living room chair, and immediately I woke up, and take you to bed where we made love but in my head I thought what the f***, why weren't you lying next to me with the cover stuff, head on my shoulder, but I digress and also confess just to know that you're here is a confirmation that I'm blessed, I know why I want you here but to you am I worth it, what do you really see beyond the surface, am I your Lion King regal and full of Pride, am I the leader that you can follow and put all your worries aside, am I the only wolf that can make you how, and with stand-your-ground are you still willing to hold my hand and walk this road mile for mile, do I give you enough attention do I make you feel like a queen, do you feel safe when you're around me and comfortable doing your thing, do you ever hold back or stop yourself from growing all the way, does it matters what I think and do you base life decisions on what I say, who am I to you or am I anyone at all, can you still keep your eyes closed and trust me to catch you when you fall, when you leave is your final destination here with me, and do you feel like this your home right here with me, am I asking too many questions do I express myself enough, do you feel invincible with me like Superman you can't be touched, am I man enough for a woman on your level, do you still feel like I can win the head up fade even with the devil, do you still need me or do I let the world defeat me, I love and I'll never leave as long as you're willing to keep me, my heart is like a deep sea that you swim across to meet me, from this side of my eyes I see to your soul it may sound cliche but you complete me you don't have to answer these questions completely but your actions are the show the answer to every one of them I believe I somewhat know.

written by Orpheus the breath of Life AKA Donte L Paxton Sr.
© Orpheus The Breathe Of Life