

Shout Out
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

Stars of my darkness lits,
When your smile hits,
Heart accelerates limitless beats.......

My existence is walking through
narrow forest;
Craving for ultimate serene,
Stumbling down hoodwinked obscene.......

Eyes searching salvation,
beholds my demonic eruption
scorching for frosted revolution.......

Drowning into necromantic tears rolling down,down, down...
skirmishing inhumane fires,
laughing mercilessly on greedy vampires.......

Flying high,versing sky chest
with crimson nymphs,
echoing silent roads,
whispering revolting fears,
hanging barking toads.......


Thank you,