

Unspoken Fortitude
In the gentle whispers of your nature,
Where words find solace and repose,
Your smile speaks volumes, in a language all its own.
Within your being, a delicate aura resides,
Unseen by many, but not by my empathetic eyes.

You shield your frustrations, oh so well,
Those heartfelt moments you choose to conceal,
A smile, a mask, to hide the pain,
Yet, I comprehend your desire to remain strong, and sane.

My friend, I'm not here to judge or pity,
But to fathom the strength within your core,
In awe I stand, witnessing your unwavering stance,
As you navigate life's challenges, each and every chance.

Your composure, a masterpiece in its own right,
A testament to resilience, shining bright,
I understand the battles fought, unspoken and meek,
And through it all, your spirit remains unique.

So, let me be a comforting presence, by your side,
Through the lows and highs, in which you confide,
For in your quietude, I find solace too,
A bond forged in understanding, just me and you.
© coleyyy