


They are short and tall
Dark or pale; color is beautiful
Greeny they are
Colorful in their appearance
They; in fine feather
They; well-founded
Seen some crispy
Look feeble; feel feeble

They are terrestrially grew
Not all the time but in water too
Less potent in areas
Life is less there no water
Mass production a fruitful land
Bearful sea; copious

What can you say about
Many of them?
They shine blue red different color
For the flowers aroma is wonderful
We define decoration anything plus flower
Not just pollination
Let’s say bee make honey
They refresh their minds

Environment protected
These guys, give oxygen sustain life
Voom-voom and leaves
Work with whole body
Trap dust the pollution; to satisfy itself
Well-founded they prevent erosion
So, we have them many

Sun is aware
And beware
Small and big colored foliage play blockage
Sunlight is blocked
Shadow we get
Loving natural air conditioner
Cool temperature got

Aves and insect smile it out
For shelter is there that’s
They carnival wassail
Owl howl; koala lala
Grasshopper in grass hop are

Gracious carpenter, genially pharmacist
And, the fuel makers!
They embalm tree and products

They are trees rise to trees; food
Rain treasured
It rise to production
Décor of true admirers
Tour to ogle and like
Then it is a reason
We all settle there

It’s nature
The mother life
Again, they nurture earth
Revered trees!

by A.M.A & H.H.K

@AwaMpr #Teamwork #trees #plant #flower #insectes #environnement #environnementalConservation #motherNature