

My fanatasies ...
I thought I had a family
It is only now that I am realising
I had none
Or maybe deep within I knew
It was all in the fantasy world
That I had built for myself
To try fix my desires
and need for a loving place

My whole life is imaginary
Waking up to an early morning family breakfast
Before the goodbyes and heading to school
In the evening,
everyone reminiscing their day
Having dinner filled with joy and laughter
As I sit in the corner seat
Looking around and smiling
Wondering how amazing and lucky I was
Or was I?

My conversation with friends are filled with my memories growing up
Each sharing our experiences
But I am starting to wonder if there were barely any
Or if it was one of created fantasies

As I lay down tonight
Waiting to continue my acting journey tomorrow
I wonder how long I can keep up
Before my bubble busts
And everything becomes clear
That I am not really living in the first place

#writco #writcopoems #fanatsy #dream #memories #life #hope #wish #WritcoPoetryDay

© angelawrites